
Accessibility Tools

person wearing blue surgical gloves applies a band-aid to a patient's arm

A booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine is now recommended for some at-risk groups. A booster should also be considered for adults and children over 5 with risk factors.

A blue bowl with a brown edge sits on a timber table. Beside it is a spoon. In the bowl is broth, celery, chicken, carrot and onion. A bowl of Chicken soup.

Satisfying and soothing, chicken soup is always a useful recipe in your collection. Fighting colds, feeling unwell, or just for comfort, chicken soup is the essence of feel-good food.

Using a BBQ chicken and purchased stock makes it simple and time-saving. 

Photography of a deliberately blurred bookshelf, and books, representing low vision.

If you are new to the disability sector and want to learn more about reaching customers with low vision, this article gives you simple things you can do to make a difference.

Whether printing a newsletter, having content on your website or even a flyer, these 5 top tips are a starting point to help your message be loud and clear for people with low vision.

A top down photo of a bowl of curry, with sweet potato, carrot, cauliflower, peas and beans.

Slow cookers aren’t limited to cool weather. They save you time and energy standing over a hot stove in the heat of summer or when autumn days are still warm. Using a slow cooker for this recipe makes it a low prep weekday dinner that you can come home to. Vegan-friendly and hearty but light, this recipe makes quite a quantity. Freeze leftovers for another time. You will find the sweet potato breaks down and thickens the sauce nicely. 

Two people. One is holding a drum, and one a guitar, they are making music and smiling.

Music Therapy is a great tool to have in your collection. In this article, we explain the benefits, what a session looks like, and how to access NDIS funds for music therapy.

Job application and résumé froms on a desk with reading glasses, folder, keyboard and coffee

The Royal Commission’s next public hearing will examine the experiences of people with disability engaging with the Disability Employment Services (DES) program (Public hearing 21).

Young man with down syndrome wearing a hairnet, gloves and apron while peforming food handling tasks

The Disability Royal Commission examined the experience of people with disability working in Australian Disability Enterprises. 

A woman hold a phone and is using the screen

The my NDIS app has recently been released to give self-managed participants a more user-friendly way to make and manage claims, as well as view their self-managed budget.

A slice of pale yellow pie dusted with white icing sugar and with lime zest on top.

Actually known as “Impossible Pie”, this recipe is easy to make. The name came about because a runny mixture goes into the cake pan, and a 3 layered “pie” comes out of the oven. There is a pastry-like bottom, where the heavy ingredients settle, a custard-like centre, and a golden and crisp top where the coconut floats.

A rapid antigen test

What's the difference between a PCR test and a RAT, and which one should you use?