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It gives us great pleasure to advise that IDEAS (Information on Disability Education and Awareness Service) is now the CHSP Provider Engagement project operator funded under the Sector Support and Development program for the Department of Health.
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IDEAS (Information on Disability Education and Awareness Service) was notified yesterday of its success in a submission to the Dept of Health to operate the SSD project previously auspiced by Wagga Wagga City Council.
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IDEAS has made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) regarding access and independent assessments.
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Australia’s only independent information provider for people with disability, IDEAS, has today welcomed the launch of the long-awaited federally-funded Disability Gateway portal.
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This year 2019-2020 we have connected with nearly five million people answering their enquiries and delivering information on how people want to receive it.
Our staff share 373 years of disability sector experience, 85% of IDEAS board members live with a disability or have close lived experience of disability. 42% of IDEAS staff live with a disability or have close lived experience of disability.
We get it! Dive in and get a picture of our customer’s experience and meet some of the IDEAS family.
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Disability information service IDEAS has secured a $60,000 grant to help transport its portable toilet and change facility, known as Ezy-Dun.
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We’ve just launched the report ‘Information Sharing as Market Stewardship in the NDIS’ and are pleased to be able to share this critical research with you.
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Unprecedented bushfires burning across millions of hectares across Australia this summer have caused serious injury, death and the destruction of homes, towns and habitats. In response to this crisis, IDEAS, Australia’s leading independent disability information provider has also become a clearinghouse for fire emergency information.
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Unprecedented bushfires burning across Australia this summer have caused many communities to be evacuated and thousands of people to be displaced. IDEAS, Australia’s leading independent disability information provider has unveiled a new practical asset, Ezy-Dun, that can be deployed wherever people from fire-effected areas are evacuated or temporarily housed.
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