
Accessibility Tools

IDEAS works collaboratively with all stakeholders to maximise the effectiveness of disability information and resources. These stakeholders include people with disability of all ages and their families, carers, and supporters; non-government and government professionals; service providers; and members of the public.

data diction logo

Data Diction is an Australian software development company that has been working with Government and community organisations since 1998.

Data Diction supplies database applications, designed, developed and supported in Australia, to well over 100 organisations including Local Government authorities, Commonwealth Carer Respite Centres, Service Providers, and NGOs. 

ARTD logo

ARTD Consultants work in the human services, education, health, transport and infrastructure, regional development, disability and environment sectors. Because social policy problems are complex and interconnected ARTD often work with stakeholders across the sectors to develop and review cross-agency, whole-of-government and integrated policies and programs. IDEAS Has partnered with ARTD as a member of the NDIA Participant Engagement Panel