The NSW Companion Card program is for people with a significant and permanent disability who have a lifelong need for a high level of care to participate in community events and activities.
The Companion Card allows a person’s carer free entry into participating venues and events. This enables people with disability to attend events and participate in activities without the financial burden of having to pay double for access to this kind of activities.
Free call: 1800 893 044Applications: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Other enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Post: Locked Bag 4028, Ashfield NSW 1800Following are a number of relevant sections:
Companion Card Handbook Frequently asked questionsCompanion Card and NDISAm I eligible? Eligibility criteria Where can the card be used?ReplacementLatest Events and ActivitiesFactsheet for ApplicantsYour card may work in other states and territories. Other states and territories also have similar programs and it is advisable to contact your local state or territory authority:
ACT Government Access Canberra Victorian Companion Card Queensland Companion Card South Australian Companion Card West Australian Companion CardTasmanian Government Companion CardNorthern Territory Companion Card