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School to Work Workshop - Port Macquarie

Tuesday, 12 September 2023 at 9:15 am - 3:30 pm

Panthers Port Macquarie, 1 Bay Street, Port Macquarie, 2444

$35 people with disability and families; $50 professionals

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Join us for an interactive and participatory full day workshop that aims to bring families together to connect and increase confidence to seek out meaningful, paid employment for their secondary school student with disability.

School to Work Workshop - Port Macquarie Tuesday 12 September

  • 12 September 2023
  • 09:15am - 03:30pm
  • Panthers Port Macquarie - 1 Bay Street, Port Macquarie

Click here to register now!

Join us for an interactive and participatory full day workshop that aims to bring families together to connect and increase confidence to seek out meaningful, paid employment for their secondary school student with disability.

You will leave the workshop with a number of concrete plans and strategies to find work for their secondary student with a disability.

What is School to work?
School to Work aims to inspire and equip students with disability, through the support of families, to seek meaningful, paid employment in the community.

We focus on typical pathways and experiences where people are valued for their social contributions. We provide practical strategies that help families tailor an individual approach to support more optimal employment outcomes.

Who is this workshop for?
Parents, family members, educators and allies of students with disability at secondary school. Individuals who want to explore differing approaches to those currently provided to people with disability.

$35 for students and families*
$50 for professionals

*If cost is a barrier, please contact us to discuss options.

The workshop will help you to:

  • Uncover student strengths and interests to use as a guide for potential work roles.
  • Learn how to cultivate community connections and how to approach contacts outside of service systems.
  • Practical strategies and tips on setting the young person up for success and developing a plan moving forward.
  • Explore the characteristics of good employment supports and steps to find the right people.
For more details: