Most of us know someone who has some kind of disability, even if we don’t think about it every day. They need a hotel where they can hold meetings and stay without any problems. A hotel that makes sure all the guests can reach the coffee cups on the breakfast buffet. That can provide hearing loops. That has fitted toilet doors with an inside handle at the right height so that you can close it behind you even if you’re in a wheelchair, that has a walking stick holder in the reception and alarm clocks that vibrate for those with impaired hearing. In short, a hotel chain that welcomes everyone with the same friendly smile! As a part of this work, Scandic created a checklist of 135 points to ensure that they really are as accessible as they say. You can see an extract later in this brochure.
Accessibility at Scandic - Making sure everyone is welcome is easier said than done
- Hits: 6546
A major hotel chain should be accessible. Remarkably,
that’s not the case. We at Scandic have worked
hard to make our hotels accessible for all. We
have even employed a dedicated Accessibility
Director who has considered all the angles.