
Accessibility Tools

Extreme sports should be for everyone, disability or not, if they are game to try them. IDEAS has pulled together four extreme sports to give a try. Read about them here.

‘Disability’ and ‘extreme sports’ don’t often sit in the same sentence. However, having a disability shouldn’t stop you from wanting to try an extreme sport. We’ve pulled together some sports with varying extremity for those wannabe ‘dare devils’ out there.

Indoor Sky Diving

Indoor skydiving doesn’t involve a parachute, there’s no jumping and nothing that attaches you to earth. Instead, there is a large glass tunnel with a column of air, where you lean forward and float effortlessly into flight, all the while being guided by a qualified instructor.

Indoor sky diving is extremely accessible. For those who use a wheelchair, there is an accessible lift and they have extra facilities in place, such as additional instructors, to ensure that all participants get an equal feel of the thrill.

For those with a hearing impairment, the majority of cues are visual because of the noise that the wind makes. This makes it easy to understand what you should be doing. And for those with a visual impairment, a dedicated instructor will assist to maximise the adrenaline rush that you experience.

 If you or someone you care for suffers from sensory impairment, quite often the constant sensory across your body can make you feel at ease. 

Indoor sky diving is a sport that is meant for everybody so why not try it out. iFly Indoor Skydiving is one of the companies to provide accessible indoor sky diving. They have locations in Sydney, Perth and the Gold Coast. For more information visit: https://downunder.iflyworld.com/

A person participating in indoor skydiving

 Image sourced from iFly Downunder

 Scuba Diving

Scuba diving lets everybody experience what goes on under the surface of the ocean, regardless of their individual circumstances.

Anybody can scuba dive, as long as they pass the dive medical.

 Person with a disability participating in adaptive scuba diving 


Image credits David Pilosof, sourced from Dive Unlimited website

 An accessible scuba dive course consists of the same training and certification as able-bodied divers. The same components are taught such as, the history of diving, dive physics and physiology, dive equipment, planning and executing a dive safely, all prior to awarding a Scubility Diver certificate. The certification process is paced and adapted to divers’ individual needs.

Some modifications may be necessary, depending upon your disability. For example, if you have limited mobility, then the biggest hurdle that you may have may be reaching the water. In that instance, a beach wheelchair may be provided to assist you with getting into the water, enabling you to get on with your dive. You may need to swim using your arms, instead of your feet and buoyancy may be tricky. But these are all things that with the correct training and assistance, you can overcome to fulfil your scuba diving dreams.

Dive Unlimited is based in Perth. They facilitate diving certification for people of all abilities. For more information, visit: https://www.diveunlimited.com.au

Rock Climbing

Rock climbing gives an all over body workout, as well as a mental workout, thinking through the next moves. And as an adaptive, extreme sport, it can be accessible to everyone. With the growth of indoor climbing arenas, it is becoming more popular.

person participating in adaptive rock climbing 


Image sourced from Freedom, Social Justice, Growth Australia

For amputees, an everyday prosthesis can be used, or if you get more serious, a specialised prosthetics are available but not necessary for beginners.

There are variations for harness systems. For example, seating harness systems for those with spinal cord injuries, with bigger belt loops to alleviate sores. Ascending tools that work through a top-roped pulley system, allows the climber to ascend gradually.

To work out the best adaptive equipment needed for your individual needs, speak to the instructors at the rock climbing wall.


Paragliding is a recreational sport where the glider sits in a harness suspended below a fabric wing. The wing shape is maintained by suspension lines, with air flowing through it and keeping its shape.

Adaptive paragliding

Image sourced from Abinea

Paragliding for people in a wheelchair is carried out by tandem flights in a specially built ability chair.

Looking to try an extreme sport but we haven’t covered it? Don’t worry there are a huge range of adaptive extreme sports. 

Information sourced from Parability Paragliding, Indoor Skydive Australia Group, Disabled Sports USA, Dive Unlimited