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The Australian Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Alastair McEwin recently joined the IDEAS Annual General Meeting as a guest speaker. He gave some invaluable insights into how disability discrimination legislation has changed since its inception 25 years ago.
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Planning some DIY Home Mods? There's an app for that! The DIYModify app is an excellent information resource for people wanting to modify their existing homes for increased mobility and accessibility, in and around, their homes. It is developed by HMInfo from the UNSW's Faculty of the Built Environment.
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Sydney’s Vivid Festival is the largest of its kind in Australia. And we are pleased to see the continued investment by the Festival organisers into making the event more accessible year on year. The next Vivis is 27 May - 18 June 2022.
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Women with Disabilities Victoria and Women’s Health Goulbourn North East (WHGNE) carried out a study a number of barriers for women with disabilities living in rural communities including worrying trends of discrimination and harassment, as well as negative impacts on longer-term health and well-being.
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Being the carer of a person with a disability carries a huge responsibility. What happens though, when you are no longer able to look after that person? This can be majorly concerning for you, especially when it relates to family members.
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In Australia, cricket and summer go hand-in-hand. Its’ popularity is evident in the number of series and tournaments that occur during the summer season, from Boxing Day Tests, through to the Big Bash League. It is no wonder that cricket is Australia’s number one participation sport.
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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to sleep rough? In my previous work, I regularly met an ever-increasing number of people sleeping on the cold concrete in breezy carparks, on wet grass, under bridges, in the bush and in alleyways.
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More than 500 people with a disability and their supporters rallied in Martin Place on Sunday 24 February, calling on the NSW Government to reverse its decision to axe funding for disability advocacy
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Disability in Australia is usually taken to mean anything that affects up to 20% of usual human activity including understanding, seeing, hearing, getting around and communicating.
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Travelling with a disability can feel overwhelming but be a rewarding experience. Travellers with a disability need to do a lot more research and planning in order to take a trip. Did you know IDEAS can assist you to find information when you are planning your travel?
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