
Accessibility Tools

What you need to know about the Joint Protocol to reduce the contact of people with disability in supported accommodation with the criminal justice system - Information for Managers of Supported Accommodation (3min).

What you need to know about the Joint Protocol to reduce the contact of people with disability in supported accommodation with the criminal justice system - Information for Disability Support Workers (3.30min).

Cartoon image of a mother walking across a bridge with her daughter

NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian has developed new resources called SAFESpace to help parents and carers choose organisations or individuals to work with their child.

Cartoon image of mother and father standing in the park with a child

NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian has developed new resources called SAFESpace to help parents and carers choose organisations or individuals to work with their child.

People at the starting line ready to go

This was a webinar recorded live brought to you by National Parks Association of NSW and Sargood on Collaroy with funding from the NSW Department of Family and Community Services.

Man holding microphone to woman sitting in a chair

The role of a LAC is to help participants navigate through the NDIS.

Man sitting in a wheelchair with lady sitting on a bench talking

Thanks to IDEAS, Tom has been living independently for thirty years. Tom and Sue from IDEAS have a great relationship. Find out how Sue has supported Tom make his own choices in life.

Man and woman hi fiving

Anne Taylor from the Microsoft accessibility team shares with CEO Satya Nadella how the Seeing AI app enables her to turn the visual world into an audible experience.

Building lit up with art

Created as part of the Dangerous Deeds project (2015), this video shows Brain Injury Matters (BIM) creating art which is then projected onto a city building.

Lady in a wheelchair and a friend walking by her side on the footpath

Active Support is a way for people with disability to engage in meaningful everyday activities of their choice, with the amount of support they need.