
Accessibility Tools

Blind man sitting in black shirt talking

Bruce Maguire took SOCOG (Sydney Olympics) to court in 2000 for not providing a schedule and website accessible to blind people. His win set a precedent for other events to offer accessible services. Further complaints resulted in talking ATMs at banks.

Man sitting at a desk writing with woman standing by his side pointing at the paper

Wheelchair accessible taxis have been available in NSW since 1991, but often were not really accessible or difficult to obtain. Since Greg Killeen won his case in the Federal court in 2011, all new taxis must be built to new standards.

4 people sitting on a train

Former Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes challenged RailCorp to provide audible announcements for people who could not read signs at train stations. And he won.

Man sitting in a wheelchair

Brad Kinsela could not enter his graduation venue with his classmates, so he challenged it and the Tribunal ordered the university to shift the ceremony to an accessible venue.

Man sitting talking

Maurice Corcoran advocated for accessible public transport in South Australia, starting with a complaint to the Human Rights Commission. Winning the case had national results so all transport must be accessible by 2022.

Man sitting

In 2010 Paul Gooda joined the Rockhampton wheelchair basketball team which includes people with and without disability.

2 ladies sitting on the lounge laughing

Dee Holme has achieved her dream of having a typical life like her brothers includes a job, being part of the community, and living in a shared apartment.

Little girl holding a dinosaur toy

Bec Kelly and Sarah Hansford each have two children with autism, and raise community awareness of disability information and rights through a Saturday radio program from Bendigo.

Man sitting in wheelchair in the park

Mark Hopper worked with his Local Government Council to promote accessibility of facilities and the beach in his town.

Man sitting on the side of the road in a wheelchair

Twenty years ago, life for millions of Australians got easier. The then Deputy Prime Minister in the Keating government, Brian Howe, introduced an Act that would, for the first time at a national level, make it unlawful for people with disability to be discriminated against. The genesis of change was the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth), which commenced operation on 1 March 1993.