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On Tuesday, December 3, on the International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) IDEAS held its 3rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Sydney Sofitel Wentworth Hotel in the Sydney CBD.
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Senator Anne Ruston, Minister for Families and Social Services announced today over $2 million in federal funding to help IDEAS operate over the coming twelve months.
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IDEAS announced today new collaborative partnerships with Radio 2RPH, Playgroup Australia and the Stroke Recovery Association of NSW, as the community organisation continues to spread the message that people with disability are contributing citizens deserve the right access to information and services.
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PLATFORM and Ezy-Dun open up community and cultural festivals to be more inclusive and accessible for all. Launched in March 2019, PLATFORM is an accessible and inclusive transportable art installation space, and Ezy-Dun is a portable accessible bathroom with hoist and full adult changing facilities.
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Innovation. Independence. Freedom. These are the values that IDEAS intend to champion by giving a voice to silent heroes within our community. Their latest social impact project is the Power Blog, scheduled to launch December 3rd to mark International Day of People with a Disability.
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Stop the Berejiklian Government Hanging up on Paul - Click here to sign the petition
Paul rings IDEAS from a pay phone. He has been doing this for years, getting help with day to day problems and getting the information he needs to get on with his life.
“They actually open the world up to me”.
IDEAS has been there for Paul and more than 700,000 people who call us every year.
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