
Accessibility Tools

An image of three women siting and communicating, one is using sign language and the others are looking on.,

Providers of Australian Government-subsidised aged care services can access free sign language interpreting services to support clients who are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing.

An open book with imagery of a city drawn coming out of the pages, bringing them to life

What we consider as digital or virtual tourism has been as a support to the tourist industry and tourism exposure. Used mainly in the promotion of a destination or experience, designed to engage a consumer in the planning stages and commit them to travel, but not anymore.

Inquiry, with NDIS Commission Logo, Magnifying glass, dog, woman in wheelchair

An inquiry will be held into the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, looking closely at how it operates.

Fresh and chopped up cauliflower in a ladle and on a

Whole cauliflowers can be bought for only a few dollars, so they make a perfectly healthy and cheap meal or side dish. Cauliflower can be an amazing accompaniment to so many meals, or even on its own with a tasty sauce and crusty bread. 

Retro image of a tv screen with striped colours and sound coming out

More reasons to tune in to the TV with both SBS and the ABC rolling out audio description services. Advocates have fought long and hard to bring access and inclusion for people who are blind or have low vision to broadcast television for decades. 

Elderly woman holding onto a grab rail

For safety, comfort or adaptive living, there are many reasons why people want to make changes to their home. Often the uncertainty of how to or whether they’re allowed to make these changes stops them from progressing forward. This article will help to explain the different steps to take when home modifications are being considered. 

Children, one with disability, in a circle looking down at the camera.

We know it seems like we only just sent our kids back to school, and the holidays are here AGAIN. Our IDEAS team have contributed to help get you through, from what we do with our own youngsters, to online opportunities, we pull together some new boredom busters for Winter 2020.

4 people with ideas shirts on smiling

Our Community Engagement Leader Angela Van Dan Berg takes a closer look at the role of Local Area Coordinators (LAC) as changes are about to take place in NSW.

An Image of a toddler girl with disability alongside her therapist, on a electronic device

Remote learning, learning from home, school-at-home, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and general adaptions to learning during COVID-19. How much screen time is too much, and how can we, as parents and caregivers, support children weighing the benefits of screen time with the pitfalls?

Baby with arms behind their head, sleeoing. They have Down Syndrome. Words say the NDIS gets more flexible.

The NDIS has made some changes to the rules about how people can spend their budgets. The aim is to make it easier for people to meet their goals.