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The Project 333 lifestyle can make mornings stress-free and give you a renewed perspective on your wardrobe. A life-changing diagnosis and ‘can do’ attitude began this journey for one woman.
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The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with a Disability (Disability Royal Commission) has released several Issue papers in recent months.
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Horrific cases of abuse and neglect of people with disability have come to light in recent days. These cases highlight the continued and urgent need for reform in the disability sector to ensure the protection of the rights and dignity of people with disability in Australia.
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Chances are, very sadly, we all know of someone who is living with violence and or abuse. And, we know that with Covid-19 restrictions, more than likely they are confined with the abuser. People with disability experience much higher rates of violence and abuse. We write about the practical steps you can take, to help a friend in need.
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Following on from our recent blog about disability podcasts Wrap your ears around these disability podcasts and to have a rest from the ABC Coronacast podcast focussing on the coronavirus or COVID 19, the following picks may bring something fresh and new to your usual podcast landscape.
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This week, we celebrate National Sorry Day on May 26 and National Reconciliation Week from May 27 to 3 June. NRW starts and ends by commemorating two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey – the Referendum (27 May 1967) acknowledging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and the High Court Mabo decision (3 June 1992).
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The impact of COVID-19 has been widespread and has changed the way many things work. While we know it has been a challenging time for some people with a disability, there have also been some positive changes that have happened.
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Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) is held on the third Thursday of May. GAAD aims to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access/inclusion and people with different disabilities.
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Every person with a disability has the right to be safe.
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This week, a unanimous federal court ruling found that NDIS funds could be used to access specialist sex therapy and sex worker services.
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