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Image of Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre exterior

The Australian Government Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability began proceedings this week in Brisbane.

The First Public Sitting officially opens the Royal Commission and provides the opportunity for the Commissioners to be formally introduced and allow everyone to learn how the Commission will operate and what it hopes to achieve.

The First Hearing was held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre (BCEC) on Monday, September 16th from 10 am to 1 pm AEST. It was live webcast and can be viewed in its entirety online with live captions and Auslan translations.

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Future sittings

The Disability Royal Commission will conduct future hearings in all capital cities and a number of regional locations.

Information about future hearings will be published as soon as they are made available by the Commission.

Hearings are open to the public, and sittings will be made accessible, including wheelchair access, Telecoil assisted listening devices, live captioning and Auslan translations. However, seating will be limited. Hearings will also be streamed live online and recorded for later viewing.

Still seeking submissions

The Disability Royal Commission is still seeking submissions from the public on experiences of violence, neglect, abuse or exploitation of people with disability. Anybody can make a submission.

Submissions can be made online, over the phone or by email. Easy Read submission forms and an Auslan translation of the submission process are available via the Disability Royal Commission website.

Contact details

Disability Royal Commission

Web: www.disability.royalcommission.gov.au
Phone: 1800 517 199 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm AEDT)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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