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An ice-cream Christmas Pudding, on a plate with chocolate drizzles over the top. Christmas decorations are in the background.

Rather than spending hot summer days with the oven on for 4 hours while the Christmas Cake cooks, my family tradition is an easy Ice-cream Pudding.

A glass with yellow toned trifle in an individual serve.

Christmas can be a difficult time for people with sensory issues and Autism. Sharing food with family and friends can be problematic and painful when presented with challenging textures, flavours and colours. 

girl holding her soapy hands up

Here are some simple ways to take care of yourself and your community even though COVID-19 restrictions have stopped.

rosemary cake with sprigs of romsemary and slices of lemon

Rosemary is a symbol of remembrance, so what better way to commemorate Remembrance Day than a Rosemary Cake? Try baking this cake on 11th November to remember those who passed away or suffered for Australia in all wars and armed conflicts. 

interior of public transport i.e. a bus

Public hearing 28 of the Disability Royal Commission focuses on people with disability who have experienced violence and abuse in public places.

hindu floral motif


Public hearing 29 of the Disability Royal Commission focuses on people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities and their experiences of violence, abuse and exploitation.

a pen and unsigned signature line on a document

Public hearing 30 of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation will examine Australian guardianship and administration laws and policies with a particular focus on how substituted decision-making impact the rights of people with disability.  

hand drawn characters. one is a wheelchair user, one is a child, one is brown, one is white, some are wearing masks. words say inclusion

Public hearing 31 of the Disability Royal Commission focuses on a vision for an inclusive Australia. It explores what should be done to create a more inclusive society that supports people with disability to live independently and free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

A slice of coffee cake rest on a board, a fork is cutting into the cake. A white cup is in the background.

This coffee cake is a no-fuss recipe to bake. Simple to mix all ingredients in one bowl, and easy to clean up.

hands cuffed in a barred cell

Public hearing 27 of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation of people with disability will examine conditions in detention for people with disability in the criminal justice system. During the hearing, conditions in both youth detention and adult prisons will be examined.