
Accessibility Tools

A miniature shopping trolley filled with packages. Shopping bags lay next to it.

Neurodiversity has many unique strengths. Attention to detail, hyperfocus. And yet, it has some weaknesses - that can be tamed.

Some of the inherent behaviours and tendencies linked to ADHD make managing finances difficult. Impulsiveness and short attention spans, lack of long-term planning, sound familiar?

Mother helps a female toddler use an ipad.

The Raising Children Network has released a new app called Raising Healthy Minds, which is designed to help parents monitor their child’s social and emotional wellbeing.

Cookies and a glass of milk laid on a cooling tray.

This recipe is my favourite sweet treat to prepare for a movie night because it is easy and goes well with salty popcorn! It only has 5 ingredients, it is gluten-free and vegan, and best of all: it is safe to share with your cat or dog (but only a little nibble)!

A boy standing in the middle of the path is jumping. There is green grass and blue sky with a few clouds.

Tourette syndrome (TS) is a form of neurological disorder. Tourette's is characterised by rapid, repetitive involuntary tics and repetitive vocalisations. Commonly misunderstood, we help to highlight what Tourette's is, how it can present, and resources that can help. With no cure for Tourette Syndrome understanding and breaking the stigma are vital.

Two brothers together.

Siblings Australia is committed to improving the support available for siblings of children and adults with chronic conditions including disability, chronic illness and mental health issues.

A blue giftbox with white ribbon sits on a wooden background.

This article is written in the spirit of Reduce, Re-use, Re-gift, and Recycle. If you are the recipient of a gift that does not fit, is a double-up, is just unwanted, missed the mark or is not “you”, you can choose to re-gift or donate. We explain how you can start thoughtfully re-gifting.

A woman with prosthetic leg and man, both seated at a desk are looking at a computer.

The NDIA has published the ‘Improving Support Coordination for NDIS Participants’ paper. The paper outlines the outcomes from reviewing the current support coordination model. We discuss the paper, and IDEAS tool to help Support Coordinators. 

Blind woman with absent gaze looks into the distance and holds a cane.

All women need to have Cervical Screening Tests every 5 years between the ages of 25 and 74 if they have ever been sexually active. Some women who would prefer not to have a doctor or nurse collect the Cervical Screening Test, may be eligible to self take the sample. This is called a self-collected Cervical Screening Test.

girl with down syndrome looking down sadly

Public hearing 20 continues the series of Royal Commission hearings examining how disability service providers prevent and respond to violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation. In the course of this examination, the Royal Commission will also inquire into how the current systems of funding and oversight of disability services protect people with disabilities from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.