
Accessibility Tools

A person is holding a wooden spoon above a A white bowl with boiled rice and Japanese curry of vegetables and meat.

This version is a mild curry in the Japanese Style. Traditionally eaten in a bowl with a spoon, it is a Japanese adaption of western cuisine.  It is hearty, and our family often cook it as comfort food. The texture is a thicker curry, with a light sweetness, and as it is mild, it tends to be a favourite of children who do not like spicy curry. The recipe can be adapted to a slow cooker, to set and forget, adding the apple later, and the curry just before you finish cooking. 

3 identical house roofs with a blue sky background

Despite a need for mandatory accesibility standards not only in New South Wales but around the Country, the NSW state government has recently announced they will not be joining the likes of ACT, Victoria, Queensland and the Northern Territory who are adopting these changing on the 1st September 2022.

film reel on pink background

The 68th Sydney Film Festival is set to take place in 2022. With COVID-19 and lockdowns changing the 2021 dates, organisers are looking forward to bringing a little bit of hope and happiness back into the City. With the festival being one of the most popular in Australia, we look at how they plan to make the event accessible and inclusive. 

young woman swimming underwater

Only a select few make it to the Paralympics. With times being the toughest they have in years, you must be prepared to adapt and overcome. Training and qualifying for the Paralympics during a pandemic is no easy feat, as our very own Ashley van Rijswijk has excitedly found out, first-hand. Our long-standing Team Member, Tash van Rijswijk is Ashley's mother and cannot wait to watch her daughter swim for her life this week.

A man holds the remote up to the TV, we see him from behind.

We want to share some of the ways our PossABLE Advocates have supported, changed lives and advocated for people with disability. This is *Kev's Story.

person sitting in wheelchair holding paint pallet

Artists with a disability in Australia and New Zealand have now been given the opportunity to showcase their work via a new festival. Alter State is a Disability Arts Festival set to take the major arts world by storm, taking place in Melbourne, Victoria.

A womans hand is operating the power controls of her electric wheelchair.

We want to share some of the ways our PossABLE Advocates have supported, changed lives and advocated for people with disability. This is *Daria's Story.

In 2021 there are a lot of emerging therapies for people with disability, and those who have experienced traumatic events. One such therapy that is getting a lot of attention is Sandplay Therapy.  It has existed for upwards of thirty years, however it is only in the last five to ten years that it has been popping up around the country. Below we discuss all the details of Sandplay therapy, including what it is, who it is designed for and what the real benefits may be.

Rainbow coloured scales of justice
Clear glasses with a pale green panna cotta dessert, are topped with strawberries and white chocolate shavings.

Matcha is a Japanese green tea powder made from tea leaves that are dried then ground. It is high in antioxidants and has a vibrant green colour. With a "grassy" taste, it is not to everyone's liking. If you enjoy the taste of matcha, this velvety panna cotta is simple to make, and you can glam it up with decoration as you wish.