
Accessibility Tools

A young girl with disability and her teacher share a smile.

Inclusion is a human right. Inclusion in Education is a human right and a legal entitlement (Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act) and is a core component of Education Policy in Australia. We talk about InclusionED supporting teachers and educators to adopt strategies for inclusion.

Woman in wheelchair with back turned. A laptop with another woman on screen holding a book.

This hearing of the Disability Royal Commission is a case study focusing on Sunnyfield disability services and will explore the prevention of exploitation, abuse and neglect of people with disability in disability services.

A woman walks along, in the air behind her trails a red heart shaped balloon.

It’s easy to fall behind in general fitness. You might be recovering from surgery, stuck in a desk job all day, avoiding the cold weather, or just not motivated anymore. Perhaps your doctor has advised you to increase activity. It might be for your heart, overall fitness or help reduce cholesterol levels. You might need to learn to walk again after an accident. No matter where you are at, starting a path to fitness is easy with walking. The Heart Foundation can help you with personalised walking plans.

An image of a car dashboard, close up of the Fuel Gauge, which is showing empty and the fuel indicator light in on.

The costs of petrol and filling up your car can be a big part of your weekly budget. Petrol prices move up and down in regular patterns or cycles. The cheapest and most expensive days to buy petrol can change from cycle to cycle. If a public holiday occurs soon then phases will alter again. Across Australia we are experiencing higher than usual fuel prices at the moment, IDEAS has tips to help you save - every drop counts. 

A woman with a worried look on her face and hand clenched to her jaw is calling someone on a smartphone. Behind her is a damaged car.

This app is a must-have for every Australian as it could help save a life. It is an app that has all the emergency contacts and will contact them when you click the chosen service, Australia's Triple Zero Awareness Working Group has developed the smartphone app for iOS, Android and Windows devices.

A doctor checks the blood pressure of a patient.

Regular health checks can identify any early signs of health issues. Problems that are found early can be treated more effectively. Factors such as age, health, family history and lifestyle choices can determine how often check-ups are required.

An image of the google app on a device

When one in 20 Google searches are health-related, it is no surprise that Google has created “Dr Google” health cards, vetted by a team of “medical doctors”. But can you trust it?

Two senior males are looking at a computer.

Tech Savvy Seniors delivers low-cost digital literacy training to seniors so they can develop the skills and confidence to access information and services online. The program provides training in computers, tablets and smartphones to help seniors to stay connected with their families, friends and communities. Auslan resources are available to support the Tech Savvy Seniors Program.

Two women in a coffee shop. One with disability is using a device to take the customers order.

Recently the digital divide became more apparent than ever. During COVID-19 restrictions, the guidelines requiring people to stay at home meant that undertaking daily errands became incredibly difficult for people without digital connections and access to online services. This article points to supports to connect to in the digital world.

A child's drawing of a person hitting someone.

This is a collection that links to resources in Easy English. They can be used to help, to educate and to plan.

These resources are for people who are at risk of, or who are, experiencing violence and abuse.

They include an Easy English Safety Plan.