
Accessibility Tools

Woman sitting at desk, with pen in her hand reading 3 textbooks.

The way the NDIS is processing participant reimbursements is changing for plan-managed participants. Your plan managers and support network should be aware of this change.

Some plain biscuits stacked on a blue plate, a teacup is in the background.

The great trick with this recipe is that you can choose a flavour to fill it with. Split it into 4 and make 4 different variations, or leave it as a plain sweet biscuit.

A child plays with lego

School holidays are nearly here again. As winter 2021 is upon us, we search for activities for kids with disability to keep them busy, learning and having fun. Once again we have a budget-friendly roundup. And bring to you Australia wide content. From sensory-friendly to online activities, vacation care programs to therapy based activities, outdoor lovers to chess and lego enthusiasts, there really is something for everyone. Please be aware COVID-19 Restrictions across Australia will apply where necessary.

The first national helpline for Australians with autism will provide online, digital and phone-based support services to improve the lives of people on the autism spectrum.

A quiche is cut in half with small mini quiches behind it.

This recipe is quick, great for lunch boxes or to make ahead and freeze. It can be packed cold for picnics or on-the-go lunches, or reheated and served warm. Using cream instead of milk will give a lovely texture.

Detail image of broken wicker or cane

This hearing of the Disability Royal Commission looks at the tragic case of Ann-Marie Smith's death and investigates violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability in South Australian Government disability support services. 

Image of person with disability riding an adaptive mountain bike fast down a dirt trail.

Due to the barriers facing wheelchair user and others, it can be difficult to connect with nature and access off-road areas for people with a disability. However, the growing sport and leisure activity of adaptive mountain biking is providing a fun and adventurous way to explore these previously unattainable areas.

A young girl sits on the kitchen bench beside the sink. She washes the dishes with her feet.

Learning to help with chores is part of being a family, starting the journey to independence, and learning life skills. Chores develop discipline, teach hygiene, and children grow through responsibility. We talk about tips to help, some resources with insight and also an approximate-age-based list of chores to consider.

An orange background with a blue arrow and the word "toilet"

Providing a safe, accessible place for every group in society to go to the bathroom seems simple, right? Well, why is it such a hot topic in a lot of places around the world? We look further into why gender-neutral bathrooms could be a positive change for all members of society, including someone with a disability and their carer.

Cooked chicken wings served on a plate. To the side are chopsticks and some condiment bowls.

If my entire extended family voted on their favourite recipe, this would be the winner! This recipe is great for feeding a crowd, and if you need to feed an army, you can double or triple the quantities. Kids love them!