
Accessibility Tools

Image of a young man with his hands placed over his ears

Being verbally abused by random strangers in car parks shouldn't be a thing people with disabilities should have to deal with daily. But it is. 

A man cleaning a gutter

The AIDER Program (Assistance for Infirm, Disabled and Elderly Residents) is offered by the NSW Rural Fire Service and is a one-off free service to reduce bush fire hazards.

Disability Toilet Sign

Travelling when you have a disability can be stressful not knowing how often you will come across an accessible toilet can make getting out and about tough.

An image of a portion of a world globe showing a map of Australia in Pink

As Dorothea McKellar wrote in her poem titled "My Country" Australia is a land of diversity, from the jewel tones of the Great Barrier Reef, to the wide brown vastness of the Australian Outback, IDEAS has compiled some information on accessibility at 5 of our most iconic features.

Helicopter with a bucket attached flyer over hills that are on fire

It’s that time of year again, and we should all take some time to make some changes to ensure that our homes, pets, and selves are safe during the high fire danger season. People with disability and older Australians need to take particular care to prepare and plan for the worst-case scenario, as there can be added levels of difficulty for these groups to evacuate safely.

Woman looking sad and holding head in her hands and a green awareness ribbon

October is Mental Health Month in NSW, Victoria and the ACT. Mental Health Month is an opportunity to raise awareness around mental health and well-being. October 10 is World Mental Health Day. The link between mental health and disability is clear and goes both ways. 

Young boy in wheelchair holding an ice-cream. Beside him is a woman holding an ice-cream. In the background are beach huts.

As parents, we all want our children to be the best possible person they can be. Part of their learning journey is about providing them with new experiences, places and different perspectives. Travel can be a daunting thought when we may not have stepped out of our comfort zone and travelled with our children.

Image of analog clock face with hands approaching the stroke of 12.

At the third stroke of midnight on September 29, 2019 Australia’s talking clock ceased to tell the time. Telstra has deactivated the Talking Clock service, which had been in continual operation for 66 years. 

Blue sky with white clouds, a parking sign

If you have an NSW Disability Parking Permit you can park in time-limited parking areas for longer periods of time. To take advantage of these special parking conditions always make sure that your Disability Parking Permit is displayed correctly in the car on the left-hand side (passenger side) of the car.  Please see below for a guide. 

Image of a sensory room with tactile chair and hanging objects

"Sensory room" is a broad term for a therapeutic space that combines a range of stimuli to help individuals to develop and engage their senses. They are designed to be a safe environment that allows the person using it to explore and connect without danger.