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Row of sunshine coloured clothes on coat hangers h

At the 2019 Vanity Fair Oscar's party, Selma Blair made headlines worldwide by stepping onto the red carpet in an haute couture ensemble, a flowing pastel and black dress, with a stunning, handcrafted and jewel emblazoned vintage-inspired cane. It was more than a mobility aid; it was a fashion statement.

Young woman in a wheelchair getting in a car

More flexibility and choice for participants with transport funding were announced by the Minister for the NDIS, the Hon Stuart Robert. From 1 March 2020, NDIS participants will be able to flexibly use their plan’s core support funding to claim service provider costs for transport to and from NDIS funded community-based activities.

Image of cylindrical public toilet block

We don’t tend to talk about toilets much, even though we all use them. Yet not only do public toilets meet our voiding needs when we go out, but they are the site for many underlying social processes and behaviours, especially those related to gender roles. 

A female nurse supporting an elderly man

The NDIS “Tune” review report was made public in January. David Tune is the former senior public servant commissioned by the Federal Government to review the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). His report contains 29 recommendations on ways to improve the scheme. Mr Tune's findings are far from surprising to NDIS participants and people trying to access the scheme.

NSW Health has media releases to provide up-to-date information on the current bushfire emergency. Communities are again being reminded to take extra care of their health while smoke continues to impact several areas in NSW during the bushfire emergency.

Image of bushfire smoke with power lines on the hill

NSW Health has media releases to provide up-to-date information on the current bushfire emergency. NSW Health is assisting residents and their families affected by the bushfire emergency to look after their physical and mental health both during the event and afterwards in the recovery process.

Smoke billows over a dry grassy hill

What support is available for people with disabilities and seniors in a bushfire crisis? For people who have been affected by the fires, emergency aid, from emergency accommodation, evacuation centres, and support services to financial assistance, is available. 

Symbol for Autism ribbon

Autism is an invisible disability that affects how people make sense of the world around them, and the communications and interactions they have. IDEAS have put together five facts about Autism, to help spread awareness.

An Image of a young girl with disabilty, standing at a tennis net, holding a tennis racquet

Summer and sports in Australia are always hand in hand, cricket, surfing, swimming, and of course Tennis. Tennis is a sport for everyone, you can begin at any age. As well as being a social way to meet people and spend time with friends it is a non-impact sport and has many health benefits like being good for bone health.

An image of a light rail tram

Canberra’s first Light Rail route is now open. The service travels from Gungahlin Place to Allinga Street via EPIC and Dickson Interchange.