
Accessibility Tools

Video call with a doctor

Over the last two years, Telehealth has changed the way health care is delivered, and it is now set to become permanent. You can now talk to your GP or other health professionals from the comfort of your own home, without spending hours in the waiting room.

Stop the Spread and Stay Healthy

The Australian Department of Health has launched a national campaign to help all Australians be informed and prepared for the coronavirus pandemic.

a white plate with crumbed chicken, peas and carrots and corn. the plate has white pegs and slight gradient.

This new product enables people with limited mobility to eat independently with only one hand. Amputees, people with Cerebral Palsy, Erb’s Palsy, Motor Neuron Disease (MND), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, stroke and many other conditions could benefit from this innovative product.

Teenage boy with down syndrome taking music lessons over the internet. He sits with music in his lap, is holding his instrument and is watching his teacher on a device

Reports of cyberbullying and digital domestic abuse and their effects appear in the media on an all too regular basis. Bullying may range from minor to the extreme, can be one-off, or repeated and recurring. Australia has an independent regulator for Online safety, the eSafety Commission. We explain what they do, and highlight some steps to minimising the risk of harmful online experiences.

Handwritten text on a blackboard reads "STOP BULLYING"

Quaden's mum decided to make a live broadcast on social media showing his pain and suicide ideation after a bullying incident at school. The video has gone viral with more than 17 million views so far and has been met with an outpouring of love and support for Quaden. 

young girl and woman using sign language to communicate

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has fundamentally altered how people with disability receive services and supports in Australia. The impact of this new service delivery model has been felt in full by people with disability as well as the support workers and service providers who serve them.

medical drip with patient in background

The Royal Commission on Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability resumes this week with a public hearing on health care, investigating access to and treatment of people with a cognitive disability, including people with intellectual disability, autism and acquired brain injury, in the health system.

An image of a  lightbulb laying on a utility bill

It can be tough to know where to start for assistance if you have been devastated by severe weather or bushfire events and need to start the building blocks of life again. As well as contacting your insurance provider if you have one, there is help and support available from Government departments, and some communications and energy providers to restore vital services that you need.

Floodwater on road

Flooding events can be dangerous for everyone, but getting away quickly can be especially difficult for people with disability. You need to plan where you will go, who you will contact, and where you can get help. Having a go-bag ready makes sense so you can leave quickly in an emergency. 

A young girl with a plait in her hair and a thoughtful look on her face is hugging a teddy bear. The teddy is smiling.

2020 was a year many Australians want to forget. 2021 followed closely. 2022 has begun with a bang.