
Accessibility Tools

a gloved ahnd gholding a bottle labelled covid-19 vaccine and a syringe.

The Royal Commission is examining the approach of the Australian Government and its agencies to the vaccination of people with disability and disability support workers in the context of the COVID-19 Vaccine rollout. 

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Your Story Disability Legal Support is a free, independent legal service supporting people with disability to safely share their stories with the Disability Royal Commission.

A chalkboard like background with a drawing of a head profile and the workd "NO Licence? No Worries" beneath it in orange.

Are you a person with disability who does not have a driver's licence? Are you ever stuck when applying for certain things because they consider a driver's licence the most important identification tool? Fear no more; Ideas has researched and listed different types of ID that could help you out. 

Cartoon map of Australia next to a cartoon image of coins stacked up, against a purple background with Ideas logo top left and bottom right.

Are you 60+ years old and wouldn't mind saving a little more money on everyday things? That is where the Seniors Card initiative comes in. Each state and territory has different eligibility requirements and ways to apply, so we have taken the information for each of them and put it in one easy to access spot below. 

notebook on pink background with NDIS PLAN written on front. A ballpoint pen is on top of the diary with a pair of glasses in the right corner of image. Surrounded by two plants and IDEAS logo.

When you are self-managing an NDIS plan, it is important you keep track of all the expenses. Under the NDIS guidelines, you are required to keep your invoices and receipts for five years. You must have this on hand in case the NDIA audit you, just to make sure everything is above board. How can you make this large task seem more manageable? Below are IDEAS top 5 tips on handling paperwork and improving record keeping.

Wheelchair accessible toilet sign on black background

No matter who we are, or where we are, we all need to access public bathrooms every now and then. It may be something we do not think twice about, or it may be the one thing that keeps us from taking long trips away from home. Not all public toilets are made the same though, with a significant percentage being identified as not suitable for those with a disability to use.

two options with one selected and a mouse pointer arrow

In 2020 and 2021, the Coronavirus supplement initially increased Jobseeker payments by $550 a fortnight, making people on Jobseeker temporarily financially better off than those on the Disability Support Pension (DSP). Moving forward though, we look at which payment is better for you and if you meet eligbility requirements, based on your circumstances. 

Male hand holding magnifying glass over white, cartoon images of people in ties. Set on grey background.

In response to the Disability Royal Commission’s “Employment Issues Paper” published on the 31st March, Disability Employment Services (DES) were mentioned with concerns raised about their design and implementation.

A man with intellectual disability looks toward the camera

Death is a part of life. Too often death is a taboo in our society, and people avoid talking about or planning for it. This taboo is even more obvious when people with intellectual disability are part of these conversations. People with intellectual disability should learn about dying and death just as they learn about every other aspect of life. Teaching about the end of life is hard though.

Image is a butterfly. One side of the image is dark, the other is bursting with colour. Concept photo of mental health.

It can be difficult to understand what good mental health is and why it is important.