
Accessibility Tools

A child's drawing of a person hitting someone.

This is a collection that links to resources in Easy English. They can be used to help, to educate and to plan.

These resources are for people who are at risk of, or who are, experiencing violence and abuse.

They include an Easy English Safety Plan. 

Ask Someone

Safety Plan

Safety plans help you prepare to leave. They have tips on who to contact, what to do, what to take and what to have packed.

Keeping Safe – Easy English Safety Plan

Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU)

Resources for women with Intellectual Disability on issues relating to healthy relationships and domestic violence. The kit includes downloadable Image series on Domestic Violence, Early Warning Signs poster.

Looking after me Resource Kit

Disability Advocacy Network Australia

This is a master collection of resources from Universities, Disability Advocacy Organisations, Health Providers, Legal Centres, Family Planning Educators, the NDIS, and many others. These resources promote safety from violence, abuse and neglect. They teach about rights, relationships and where to seek help. There are many references to Easy English works.

Resources on Violence and Abuse.

Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria

A downloadable PDF How to feel safe at home (Easy English)


Downloadable booklet You are not alone

Health Translations

7 Documents relating to Family Violence in Easy English

Family Violence Topics in Easy English

NSW Government Department of Communities and Justice

I’m a person with Disability and experiencing domestic violence. Links to DARU (Disability Advocacy Resource Unit

Our Site

A Video – Safety from violence

Victoria Police

pdfFamily Violence - What Police Do Downloadable PDF


Australian Women Against Violence Alliance

AWAVA wants to know more about young women and non-binary people’s experiences of sexual and gender-based violence. Learning more about how young women and non-binary people report and seek support after violence and abuse will help us understand what needs to change. AWAVA has partnered with Women With Disabilities Australia‘s WWDA Youth Network to fund an Easy English version of the survey. It is important to capture the experiences of young women and non-binary people with disability. There is an online plain language version, and a version in Easy English (with fillable PDFs.) Includes 2 Easy English fact sheets on What is violence?

Online survey and Easy English Version.

IDEAS does information so you can do life.