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An elderly man drinking coffee

Recently I was having afternoon tea with one of my daughters at the local bakery, and reading her final Primary school report. The elderly fellow at the next table, a widower of Italian heritage, who I shall call Antonio* asked, “Is it a good one?”

 AUTISM written with colourful alphabet magnets, resting on hands

Autism Connect is Australia’s first Autism Helpline delivering national service. It is a free service providing independent and expert information in a variety of formats.

Royal Commission - pathways and barriers to open employment.

The Disability Royal Commission is exploring pathways and barriers to open employment for people with disability in a public hearing.

An image of three women of different generations. The youngest is a woman with disability. They are laughing and arranging flowers.

It’s good to look after our health, and regular health checks can help detect early warning signs of disease or illness before they become a more significant issue and give you the chance of early treatment. In this article, we explain the regular checks for Women.

A smoke-covered sun with a tree in the foreground

Discover the steps you can take to stay cool and healthy as the hot weather approaches.

‘Respectful Listening’ depicts the story of The Disability Royal Commission, translated into a traditional style of art and symbols used by many of Australia’s First peoples to share information and stories for thousands of years. This story is made up of seven people who are Elders and or respected members of their own communities. These seven people, the Commissioners, come from different community groups including Australia’s First People, people living with disability and the LGBTIQ+ community.

The experiences of First Nations people with disability and their families in contact with child protection systems are the latest focus of the Disability Royal Commission hearings.

A woman with long, straight blonde hair in yellow jumper and white shirt who is a wheelchair user is looking to someone off the picture. There is a male seated to her right who wears a grey vest and collared shirt, he is looking at her. A third persons head can be seen at the left of the picture.

If you are new to the NDIS, chances are, you might have questions about the role that Local Area Coordinators and Support Coordinators have. In this article, we describe what they are and what they do to help you. We also explain Plan Management and the types of Plan Management available.

Young lady with her support worker

Support Workers assist the aged and people with disability with a variety of tasks including with their personal hygiene routines, mobility support, shopping activities, food preparation, housework tasks and social events.

aerial view of driveway and burnt house and bush

From the summer of 2020 bushfire crisis to the COVID-19 crisis, these past years have been dominated by stress, worry and anxiety for many of us. Summer is coming around again. In the event of a bushfire, you need to have a plan in place ready to act on. Are you ready?

A Doctor wearing white coat and glasses has a stethoscope around his neck. He is holding a blood pressure monitor and wrapping the band around a patients arm in preparation to take blood pressure reading.

High blood pressure only when you visit the Doctor? White Coat Syndrome is not yet fully understood. In this article, we break down the key points of White Coat Syndrome.