
Accessibility Tools

Indigenous dot painting called Respectful Listening by Wiradjuri Elder Paul Calcott

We know 1 in 5 Australians has a disability, roughly 20% of all Australians, but when we focus on First Nations people with disability… it’s more like 1 in 2, with 45% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a disability or long-term health condition according to the First Peoples Disability Network.  

boy making a "W" symbol with his hands

Auslan is the main form of communication for deaf people residing in Australia. With upwards of 20,000 people using Auslan as their primary form of communication every day, it is important that we understand the history and significance of the language and its community.

A young man with prosthetic leg is reclining on the floor and watching a laptop, he has earphones in.

Armchair travel has existed for centuries. In the wake of COVID-19, the concept is taking on a fresh direction. Digital travel is the new way to ramble the world as we recover. As the travel and tourism collective plan to regenerate, the use of digital media to entice travellers in the interim has shown to be strategic, and that benefits us all.

Australian currency including notes and coins

The Australian Government has promised to repay 470.000 people it unlawfully collected debts from between 2016 and 2019. Service Australia will refund $ 721 million from July.

Two female neighbours sitting and chatting

Asking the question either in your head as you pull up in your driveway after being out, or asking your husband, wife or partner when you’re sitting having a chat, “Have you seen Doris lately?” may be the lifeline for a neighbour, especially if they are elderly or have a disability.

A portrait image of a woman with brown hair and a blue top, she is smiling and looking a the camera. She has an invisible disability.

The Project 333 lifestyle can make mornings stress-free and give you a renewed perspective on your wardrobe. A life-changing diagnosis and ‘can do’ attitude began this journey for one woman.

woman with purple hair bound by an orange rope.

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with a Disability (Disability Royal Commission) has released several Issue papers in recent months. 

Image of young girl with Down Syndrome looking sad

Horrific cases of abuse and neglect of people with disability have come to light in recent days. These cases highlight the continued and urgent need for reform in the disability sector to ensure the protection of the rights and dignity of people with disability in Australia.

Two women standing together supporting one another. In the background is water and a cloudy sky.

Chances are, very sadly, we all know of someone who is living with violence and or abuse. And, we know that with Covid-19 restrictions, more than likely they are confined with the abuser. People with disability experience much higher rates of violence and abuse. We write about the practical steps you can take, to help a friend in need.

Lady listening to a podcast

Following on from our recent blog about disability podcasts Wrap your ears around these disability podcasts and to have a rest from the ABC Coronacast podcast focussing on the coronavirus or COVID 19, the following picks may bring something fresh and new to your usual podcast landscape.