
Accessibility Tools

series of brightly coloured Aboriginal dot painting designs

This week, we celebrate National Sorry Day on May 26 and National Reconciliation Week from May 27 to 3 June. NRW starts and ends by commemorating two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey – the Referendum (27 May 1967) acknowledging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and the High Court Mabo decision (3 June 1992).

A young girl with disability is laying in the grass, she has her eyes closed, is smiling with her hands partly covering her face.

The impact of COVID-19 has been widespread and has changed the way many things work. While we know it has been a challenging time for some people with a disability, there have also been some positive changes that have happened.

3 blue keys on a keyboard. Each key has a symbol for accessibility. From left to right: Wheelchair access. Hearing loop and a person with low vision using a cane.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) is held on the third Thursday of May. GAAD aims to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access/inclusion and people with different disabilities.

Reporting Abuse - Woman sitting on a couch with her hand up to indicate stop. She has Down Syndrome.ffy dog tha is being held by a woman

Every person with a disability has the right to be safe.

detail of couple's hands clasped tightly on a bed

This week, a unanimous federal court ruling found that NDIS funds could be used to access specialist sex therapy and sex worker services.

A hand holds a large button phone, with a laptop in the background.

The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) has announced extra support with urgent complaints about telecommunications. This support is for vulnerable and at-risk residential consumers and small businesses in response to COVID-19.

Young woman artist painting

People with disability have artistic aspirations and achievements that they consider to be important and to be valued as part of the community. To this end, there is the Inclusive Arts Network (IAN) based in Victoria. It offers artists the opportunity to enter their work in the 2020 IAN Art Exhibition. 

A selection of kitchen utensils

The iRemember  Memory Cases are an initiative of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG). First developed a number of years ago they are resources to consider borrowing from the TMAG. The first one is the 'In the Kitchen Memory Case' and the second one is the 'In the Shed Memory Case'.  

COVID19 Info in Community Languages. Picture is a collage of fact sheets in different languages and scripts.  There are pictures of handwashing and a person presenting on TV.

Need to get coronavirus (COVID-19) resources in your language?

There is information about health, money and support.

boxes sitting on a laptop keyboard with shopping trolley symbols

While we are all at home more because of COVID-19, people are beginning to make more of their purchases online. Some people are not confident when making purchases online, and some are overly confident. Making a digital transaction can be scary and you need to be careful. Here are some ways to stay safe and smart when shopping online.