
Accessibility Tools

Disability parking space looking towards the ocean

Changes have been made to the eligibility criteria for a Disability Parking Permit in Queensland. Legislation passed by the Queensland Parliament on 14 July 2020 will see an expansion of the eligibility criteria for the scheme in Queensland.

A teen male living with intellectual disabilty, sitting looking at a tablet device, He is holding a reusable takeaway cup and has headphones resting on his neck.of

The Black Dog Institute, in collaboration with others, has launched an online program offering mental health support to those living with intellectual disability, Healthy Mind.

An image of a hospital entrance sign with with Emergency

These tools can assist a person with disability if they need to go to the hospital. These documents have been developed to help frontline healthcare staff understand the needs of the person with disability when they present to the hospital. Read through and decide the best option for you, then complete the information for your needs.

Sydney skyline with harbor bridge and a super imposed padlock symbol

Self-isolation rules are ending. What does this mean for people in NSW?

Two hand made face masks with clear inserts for lip reading lay on a table. Beside them are hearing aids, scissors and a pincushion.

Masks are considered a tool to protect ourselves and each other from Coronavirus. We try and bring together all the info you need about masks in one place. Communication needs, Autism and Masks, fogging, making, wearing and washing face masks; and the lawful reasons that masks are not needed.

Lady sitting alone at a window

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety hearing in Melbourne, Hearing 4, will run from Wednesday 15 July to Friday 17 July 2020.

Senior with a walking stick

Following on from February 2020 when the Aged Care Royal Commission (formally known as the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety) began hearing evidence, results have been released of a national survey of over 10,000 adults.

A view of a computer screen, set up for a video conference, with different ethnicity and age people engaged in group videocall.

An increase in online meet-ups has some people wondering what the "rules" are. Are they the same as a face-to-face meeting? Here we discuss what makes best practice whether you are a meeting attendee or organiser, some tips on holding an inclusive meeting and communicating clearly.

Two mugs of hot chocolate, two spoons and a napkin with pieces of chocolate in the background

As the weather cools down, try out this new version of Hot Chocolate! It is adapted from a recipe for chocolate peanut butter sauce, developed by Nigella Lawson and included in the recipe book A Girl Called Jack by Jack Monroe. 

A photo of a young girl with down syndrome smiling at the camera. She is standing on an athletics track.

Sport and participation in physical activity are ingrained into Australian culture. Every Australian, regardless of gender, background or ability, should be able to participate in sport if they wish.